Publications (mobile)

Design and Improvisation. Monograph, transcript 2017 – Introduction

This is my dissertation (in german). During the process of design, designers need to improvise. The development of the braun electronic shaver as well as Sebastian Herkners furniture designs show how improvisation is involved in the making of models and prototypes. It can also be a way to develop the process of production. But improvisation is not only a necessity – it is also a method to create concepts of design.

»Annika Frye has given us an impressive study of the role of improvisation in product design. Some of her findings could inspire other researchers to transfer her questions to other fields of research.«
Hans-Joachim Braun, ICON, 23 (2017)

Besprochen in:
designreport, 4 (2017)

Hybridity is the Paradigm of Contemporary Design, Introduction for the SIDER conference Papers, 2019

The Non-School: a Conversation with Dr. Annika Frye, Interview by Jeanette Petrik at Design Academy Eindhoven, 2021

As part of my Professorship at DAE I was interviewed by Jeanette Petrik about my project ‘The Non-School’ which I transferred into the Digital Learning Cultures Art Lab at Muthesius in 2022.

List of Publications – to be updated

Kunst an den Rändern. Konferenzband Hg. gemeinsam mit Christiane Kruse, de Gruyter 08/21.

– Improvisation in Design Processes. In: Routledge Handbook of Philosophy and Improvisation in the Arts, Marcello Ruta, Alessandro Giovanni Bertinetto (Eds.) 07/21.

Interaktives Skizzieren, Prototyping und Interaktion im Entwurfsprozess. In: Methoden der Produktgestaltung. Entwicklung, Anwendungen und Perspektiven. Herausgegeben von Jochen Denzinger,  Birkhäuser 2018.

Printed Interface. Catalogue on the exhibition Muthesius Parallax, with Matylda Krzykowski, July 2018.

Designart. Paper at the X. congress of the German society of aesthetics, Feb. 2018.

Interferences of industrial design and engineering in future design education. Conference paper at Building Community: Design Education for a Sustainable Future, at International conference on engineering and product design education, with Frank Gärtner and Martin Pietzsch, Oslo 7–8 Sept. 2017.

Learning from Dilettantism, form No. 266, july 2016.

Tagungsbericht Re/Set Designkonferenz. Annual report HfG Offenbach July 2015.

Improvisation in Design. form No. 253, June 2014.

Design and strict science. Or: how to learn from experiments. Text with Prof. Dr. Martin Gessmann, HfG Offenbach annual report 2013.

Makerkulturen. In: Handbuch Designwissenschaft, Herausgegeben von Thomas Hensel und Oliver Ruf (being published apprx. 2022).

Maker zwischen Konsumkritik und Affirmation. In: Ästhetik des Konsums, Hg. Norbert M. Schmitz, Fink (being published apprx. 2022). 

Hybrid Interfaces. Monograph on  the dissolvement of the distinction between analogue and digital in interface design (in preparation).