Diplomarbeit an der Kunsthochschule Kassel, 2010

Innerhalb einer Feldforschung wurden qualitative Interviews mit neun Autorendesignern geführt. Die Erkenntnisse aus den Interviews, und aus der Literaturrecherche sind in eine diskursive Auseinandersetzung zum Begriff der Improvisation eingeflossen. Die Diplomarbeit wurde betreut von Prof. Oliver Vogt, Prof. Dr. Uta Brandes, und Dipl. Des. Sandra Groll.

»Adhocsita« is the title of my graduation thesis. I analyzed the way improvisational strategies and ad hoc – solutions are being used in daily design work. It deals with aspects of improvisation and ad hoc such as the aesthetics of improvised objects, the motivations for ad hoc solutions in design processes and the question of a repititive pattern in improvisational thinking. The book contains interviews with 9 design professionals. Further, the book contains definitions considering the words ad hoc and improvisation and their cultural and practical relevance in design. The title is a selfmade word based on the latin words ad hoc and sita.  It implys „things that are made ad hoc . The graduation thesis was supervised By Prof. Oliver Vogt, Prof. Dr. Uta Brandes and Dipl. Des. Sandra Groll.

Related design project: Adhocker Collection