I took part in a discussion on Design Research and gave input on my perspective on the future of a P.h.D. in Design.

On the format: The Grantler’s Corner 2022 continues the discourse on the role of design research in a multi-perspective manner. While last year’s event addressed the question of which academic structures are needed to raise the profile of design research and further establish it as an independent, scientific discipline, this year’s Grantler’s Corner is dedicated to the professional opportunities for designers who conduct research: Where are the interfaces to the research areas in companies and institutions? To what extent do suitable positions have to be generated first, or is the only alternative to founding one’s own start-up in order to do justice to the new professional profiles? How can the potential of design research be communicated and made visible to other disciplines? What needs can be met in research and business? What future-oriented fields of work and research can be generated from this? What skills do designers who want to work in design research need? The discussion is aimed at designers and representatives from business, research, education and politics.

The guests:
Prof. Dr. Annika Frye, Professor of Design Science and Research at the Muthesius Academy of Art and Design.
Lynn Harles, design scientist at the Fraunhofer Center for Responsible Research and Innovation in Berlin and doctoral student at the Bauhaus University in Weimar
Dominik Langhammer, Director of Design Global Oral Care Innovation at Procter & Gamble Service GmbH
Prof. Andreas Muxel, Professor for Physical Human-Machine Interfaces at the Hybrid Things Lab at Augsburg University of Applied Sciences
Stephan Ott, Director Institute for Design Research and Appliance of the German Design Council
Moderation: Dr. Oliver Herwig, Journalist

The informal discussion format Grantler’s Corner was initiated by Sarah Dorkenwald and Hannes Gumpp. Grantler’s Corner is derived from the Bavarian word Granteln and the ideal of the democratic Speakers’ Corner and addresses current topics in the design industry.

The format is sponsored by the Bavarian State Ministry of Economic Affairs, Regional Development and Energy.