The September Academy at Muthesius is a transfer format for qualification and further training. Experts from the Muthesius Kunsthochschule and its surroundings, but also from other work contexts and cultures are invited to work with participants, to open up new thought-spaces. It also aims to show how creative skills and methods from art and design can strengthen change-processes and competence for action, but also aim to simplify everyday working processes.

During this format I will be directing a workshop together with material researcher Leonard Siebert, who’s special focus lies on manufacturing processes for micro- and nanomaterials.

The workshop aims to explore the method of bricolage (see Claude Lévi-Strauss). The starting point is working with new materials and residual objects. These are first examined and categorized and then reorganized into new objects/material compositions/structures. Thus, through “tinkering”, in the interaction of design, construction and science, unplanned qualities of the new emerge.

September Academy Program PDF